I am hoping that now that the Giants have won the world series, that the world will shut up about them. I guess I just don't really understand all the fluff and hype about sports teams. Sports fans will forever remain a mystery to me. Its just that; I figure, if you enjoy baseball so much - go out and play baseball. Getting so excited for a team that has no direct relation to you or your life seems a bit, well, lame.
I think it may be just me but everything just seems so superficial nowadays. Maybe it's because the world is ending in 2012, and I feel that there are more important things in life than pointless sports games and making sure your hair looks great every morning. Then again if the world is indeed ending, I would want everyone to embrace all that is superficial and just have the best time they could; to each their own.
How I wish I could have lived in earlier times though. I would love to live in the times when everyone was ignorant, and freedom wasn't so free. For some reason I would have loved to live in the times where women had to wear skirts,stay home, bear children, make dinner, and call it a day. Not that I feel that women shouldn't be able to have a career; I would have been a feminist. I would have been one of those women who wore dresses to their calves instead of their ankles.
But now we live in the times where women walk around half naked, and "close-minded" people have a fit about it. Women are able to appear naked in movies, whereas perhaps only a short 40 years ago it was not acceptable for a married couple to sleep in the same bed on a tv show. Oh how times have changed. I'm not so sure it's for the better. I'm not so sure I would really call it open-minded.
Girls dress for other girls, and I don't care what anyone else says. Because I'm pretty sure if a girl wore a shirt that was perhaps too revealing, and a guy made a comment about it or maybe even honked while driving by, this girl would most likely be outraged. Being in today's society, she would most likely update her facebook status to something such as: "oh my goodness, can't even waer a skirt these days without groos men looking at me".
And it is these types of things that truly irritate me. If men are, like some women may say, male chauvinist pigs who are only after one thing, why would you dress in a provocative manner and expect no kind of reaction?
One day, perhaps soon, my blogs will be less hostile. I will talk about daisies and hair, and I will tell you all of how I plan to get my nails done the next day. I will spill some ridiculous gossip and maybe someone will post a comment saying "OMG". And then everyone will read my blogs, and It'll be, like, awesome.
But until then...
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