Did you know that doves are extremely loyal to their mates? Unlike most other animals who go from mate to mate, or animals like a praying mantis who eat the males after the have mated...doves stay together. I would like to be a dove. I would like to believe that it is possible for humans to have a forever binding love that lasts forever; a monogamous relationship that stays new and exciting and incredible. Society puts wonderful romanticisms in your head via chessy romance films and novels. However, reality sets a different tone. "It's hard", and that's all you ever hear. People who can make a lasting relationship often long for new exciting things and those who are constantly with new people feel lonely. What gives? We don't know what we want. We want what we can't have. "It's hard". It's hard to commit yourself to trying to please another person before yourself. It's hard to try and figure out how to relate to a different opinion. It's hard, it's hard, it's hard.
But is it worth it?
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