Saturday, August 21, 2010

Dear Grandpoo,

You passed away on August 19, 2010; a date I will unfortunately never forget. The world seems different and the idea of a "normal" day seems so unfamiliar to me. I am so thankful that I got to know you and that you were more than just my grandfather, you were my friend. I will miss everything about you; your jokes, your smile, your voice, your huge glasses, the fact that you named your dog Stupid (in spanish so it sounded better), and your stories. I will miss your stories so much. You taught me so much in what seems like such a short amount of time that we had together. I'll always carry your wisdom throughout my life, and make wise choices because I know you'll be watching.

Everything about you was perfect and wonderful and i'm afraid no one will ever come close to the very special place where I hold you in my heart. Nothing has ever hurt as much as this; but I am glad to know that you are no longer in pain. I love you with all of my heart. The letters that we sent to each other will always stay with me, and I plan to keep writing to you because I know how happy it makes you. I guess I'll just have to send the letters up with a balloon. At least the "I ran out of stamps" excuse that you laughed at everytime will never be an issue again.

I miss you. It hasn't really sunk in yet and, pathetically, I expect a response to my letters.

The thought of your singing is the only thing that lulls me to sleep everynight. You have such a soothing voice. The song you wrote for you father was one of my favorites. I imagine you singing it to him now. I will see you again. Until then, just stay with me in my dreams, and in everything I do. I'll make you proud; promise.

I love you so much.

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